Pick-Your-Own Apples, Peaches, and Pumpkins
Paige’s Produce is proud to offer u-pick (or you-pick, pick-your-own) opportunities throughout the summer and fall. In summer and fall months, we open the orchards for u-pick peaches and apples. We also open our pumpkin patch in the fall for u-pick pumpkins.
How it Works
Pick-your-own apples, peaches and pumpkins hours are M-F, 10-5; Saturday, 9-5; and Sunday, 11-4. Please call ahead as crop and weather conditions can change days and times.
When you arrive for u-pick, please check in with us at the farm store, review our U-Pick Rules, and we will give you a ride out to the orchard. We’ll answer any questions you have and, if you’re lucky, Farmer Brian will be your tour guide to teach you about the various varieties at the farm. There will be plenty of laughs along the way, too! We work very hard, but we’re a pretty fun bunch!
We keep our orchards and pumpkin patch trimmed, so you can expect a relaxing, leisurely stroll through the farm as you pick your peaches, apples and pumpkins. The process of picking doesn’t take long, but we encourage you to take your time and soak in the sounds of nature, the smell of fresh air and the gorgeous views that surround the farm - and of course, take pictures along the way. That’s what makes u-pick so fun!
The process is a little different for each type of produce, so we’ve detailed each below. Oftentimes, you’ll be able to pick more than one thing at a time! U-pick peach harvest often aligns with u-pick apple harvest, and apple harvest often overlaps with pumpkin u-pick.
Peach U-Pick: You’ll pick how many boxes you want, and we’ll give you the boxes to fill as you pick your peaches right from the tree.
Apple U-Pick: We’ll guide you to the rows of apple varieties that are ready for u-pick (apple harvest spans across a few months, based on the variety). We’ll give you however many bags you’d like, and you can fill them with whatever combination of apple varieties you’d like.
Pumpkin U-Pick: You’ll pick a wheelbarrow and head out to the pumpkin patch! We have different sizes of wheelbarrows (with different prices) so you can choose one based on how many pumpkins you need. We don’t individually price the u-pick pumpkins, so you’ll just pick a size, head to the patch, and add them as you go - easy, peasy! And, we precut most of the pumpkins, so you won’t have to saw through the woody vines to get your pumpkin.
FARMER’S TIP: Pick more than you’ll want to eat fresh! You can freeze or can apples, applesauce and peaches to enjoy all winter. When the weather gets cold, you’ll thank yourself for capturing the deliciousness of summer-sweet peaches and fresh-from-the-tree apples! Be sure to ask our team members for tips and tricks.
Once you're finished, bring your harvest to the farmstore for weighing and paying.
Before you leave, we encourage you to visit with Farmer Brian and Farmer Kelly, and all of our knowledgeable and helpful staff. Be sure to ask any questions you have about the best ways to store, prepare and consume your varieties. You can also purchase other seasonal items, such as tomatoes, gourds, squash and mums, as well as locally made artisan goodies like amish fry pies, whoopie pies, jams, jellies, noodles and more.
And, be sure to get photos with our new Bigfoot and our various photo boards throughout the farm! (We’d love it if you’d tag us on social when you post them, too!)
What's Growing
We start the season by offering a variety of fruit trees. You can purchase your fruit trees at Paige’s Produce and rest assured knowing they’ve been cared for and are ready to plant! We plant a variety, as you can see.
Current plantings are not limited to the list below as we are always trying new crops as the weather permits. We also offer specials for large quantity canning and freezing projects. To see what’s growing in real-time, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
May - June
Sugar snap peas, English peas, cabbage, lettuces, onions, strawberries. Peaches are usually ready for picking around June 10-15th.
July - August
Apples, peaches, tomatoes, sweet corn, squash, zucchini, cucumber, pickles, pears.
August - September
Apples, acorn squash, peppers, winter squash, pumpkins, gourds, mums. Apple shares include the following varieties and typical harvest start times.
Tomatoes: Cherry, Big Boy, Better Boy, Carolina Gold, Roma, Heirlooms (Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Mr. Stripey)
Beans: Stringless Blue Lakes, Old Fashion Half Runners, Edamame, Yellow Wax, French Horticultural
Sweet Corn: Bicolor, White (silver queen), yellow
Squash: Yellow Squash, Patty Pan, Green Zucchini, Eight ball
Cucumbers & Pickles: Fancy Pak, Dasher
Cabbage: Pok Choi, Joi Choi, Green Dynasty (head) , Scarlett King (red head)
Fall Ornamental: Pumpkins Jack-O-Lantern, Pie, gourds.